I’m so glad you can relate, this is exactly why I write these articles, so we all feel less alone! In terms of tips and life hacks I use to manage my ADHD, I can recommend:
- always always flag emails/set reminders/add things to your calendar, it makes a huge difference. As soon as something comes in that you need to do, always set yourself a reminder of sorts.
- be open and honest with your loved ones, explain why you do certain things a certain way so they don’t expect anything different. It’s important to have words to express how we feel. I tell people around me when I feel burnt out, overwhelmed, anxious or angry so they know to either help me, give me a second to pull myself together, or simply not expect me to function as I normally would in that situation. It’s not permanent, it comes and goes. Trust yourself that you’ll come back from a difficult place.
- meditation is my saving grace. I know it sounds cheesy, but whenever I feel frantic or like I can’t express my emotions, taking 10 minutes to turn inwards and reassess makes all the difference.
- fidget. I like to knit as my go to fidget. Whenever I need to pay attention to something (a meeting, a movie, a conversation), I will knit. People around me used to see it as me being distracted but I explained that, on the contrary, it prevents me from distraction and anchors me in the moment.
- start with the easiest task. This is how I deal with my executive dysfunction. If I have something as easy as replying to an email on my list, I know that if I start with that, I will most likely fall into a rhythm with my other tasks.
- accept paralysis/overwhelm as a part of you. I have at least a day a week when I do the bare minimum both at work and at home. It’s how I function and what my brain needs to rewire. I’ve stopped fighting those days and I feel so much better.
There are lots more tips, but these are the ones I use all the time. It also helps if you use ADHD/autism-friendly resources like podcasts, newsletters or follow neurodiverse creators online. Getting exposure to similar experiences helps to feel less alone and embarrassed.
I hope this helps ☺️