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Medical editor, part-time writer, mom to one human and two pets. Passionate reader. Pro-democracy, pro-women. Compulsive clapper. Bluesky:
Learning new stuff gives me a dopamine rush. I write on topics mainly related to science and society, and occasionally on those that are fictional.
Writer, retired financial planner, erstwhile rascal, whitewater kayaker, Columbia J-School alum “We’re all born naked and the rest is drag.”-RuPaul Charles
I love to read & write non-fiction. I was diagnosed with ADHD at 46 & want to share my positive attitude to neurodiversity. I'm also a lesbian from Leicester..
B.S. in Family Science, Research Assistant for the Alabama Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education, Family Life Educator, and amateur yapper. (:
Writer. Editor. Overthinker.
nyc // writing about life and learnings along the way
Technical writer and literacy educator from Kentucky who reads a lot of fiction. Embracing slow reading.
ADHD, books, writing, fitness, lifestyle. | Founder and editor: Coffee Time Reviews. | Library Mouse | Language nerd.
Coffee Time Reviews
The Medium Blog
ElisePax ☕️
Cheshta Pant
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